Solution for Pre-Revenue Startups

For early stage startups that are focused on getting an MVP, fundraising, and planning a GTM strategy.

What I do

As a brand strategist and storyteller, I help you build the foundation of a strong brand and focused company & product narrative. Doing this work early on will help you –

Prove to investors your startup is worth investing in.

Be unique in the marketplace.

Achieve product/market fit.

Find the customers you need.

Build a brand that can grow.

How I work

My team and I work directly with you, and provide both strategy and execution.


I use a proven 3-step Framework with every project. It’s simple, elegant and powerful.




  • Assess how your company, product, and brand are all working together.

    Is your company’s voice clear? Your mission? What do you stand for?

    Does your pitch deck work? Is the problem and solution compelling?

    Look at the story; the founder story, the product story, the brand story.

    Are they working? Do they effectively communicate what your goals are?

    Is there any brand identity, brand promise, and brand experience?

  • Translate core mission, values, aspirations, targets and goals into action steps

    Strategize on brand positioning, identity, competition, messaging, and storytelling

    Identify resources, assess internal vs external capabilities and capacities

    Establish timelines, budgets for execution

  • Take the plan and put it into action

    Build specific branding and storytelling projects from concept to completion

    Craft compelling visuals and narratives to captivate customers and investors through consistent and compelling brand voice

    Create necessary key brand assets such as name, logo, website and vision film

    Update or reimagine pitch deck with new brand, story and voice

Case Studies


I design a custom package of strategic and creative outputs for you based on the goals, objectives, and timeline we agree upon.

An example package might include:

Foundational Branding work: story, vision, message, purpose

Initial naming, logo, color palette

Rapid website development

Reimagined Investor Pitch Deck


Raise more, close faster

Get to MVP more quickly with a clear Northstar + vision

Motivate and inspire your team and your current investors

Spend less time pitching, spend less time onboarding

More customers, higher revenue

Greater stability, stronger potential exit

Next Steps

1 | Schedule a consultation

2 | If we’re a good fit for each other, I’ll create a customized plan

3 | We’ll execute the plan together